
이승기 (가수,배우) 팔로워

좋아요 0

응원댓글 0

울스타 승기님.
스며든 해바라기

2021.01.17 조회 186

울스타는요. 잘생기고 성실하고 위트도 넘치는 만능 셀럽이죠. 본업인 노래도 잘하죠. 연기도 잘하고 예능은 더 말할것도 없고 MC까지. 다방면에서 많은 활동 부탁드립니다.
댓글 25  >

*타인의 권리침해나 명예를 훼손하는 댓글은 제재를 받을 수 있습니다.

최대 1개까지 이미지 업로드 가능합니다.


이승기님 승승하세요♡♡♡
2024.01.23 14:01

찐사랑 Ode311

Airen never get tired of you Seunggiya, so dont worry now, whatever bad publicity involving you, airen will just ignore it, that's how we trust and believe in you💞
2021.06.21 11:06

찐사랑 Ode311

YOU will never be lonely, AIREN promise you that🙏😍😘
2021.06.20 12:06

찐사랑 Ode311

YOU will never be lonely, AIREN promise you that🙏😍😘
2021.06.20 12:06

찐사랑 Ode311

Through good times and bad times, airen will walk together with LeeSeungGi💖
2021.06.19 10:06

찐사랑 Ode311

My dear seunggi, if the road is not to easy for you, airen love will be there for you like a guiding star, so keep walking, and be strong💪
2021.06.18 10:06

찐사랑 Ode311

Seunggi, airen know that you're happy outside but deep inside you're hurting, but still you are there working so hard to give your airen happiness, that's why we love you so much⭐💓
2021.06.17 10:06

찐사랑 Ode311

Dont worry seunggi, @61 you're still my baby😝
2021.06.16 03:06

찐사랑 Ode311

Being a celebrity, its not easy to maintain a clean image. But our dear seunggi did it for 17 years now, no one can defeat a righteous and sincere man like him😍
2021.06.15 10:06

찐사랑 Ode311

Airen know that you are working hard to gave us happiness, and we are really excited for your new vs. Hopefully everything will be fine for you.
2021.06.14 08:06